Here is the list of addresses for Superintendents where you should send the Church School Enrollment Forms. Send the original to the attention of the Superintendent. Keep one copy and I get one additional copy.
Alabaster City Schools
Thursday, July 30 at 7:00 is our meeting to begin the new school year. Please try to arrange childcare or plan for your children to have something quiet to do with you during the meeting. The goal is to be done within the hour so it should not be a long meeting. We will meet at The Church at Shelby Crossings in Calera. This is a very important meeting for new parents as I return the CSE form that is needed to prove enrollment to your local superintendent, give out handbooks, go over field trips, answer questions etc. Make plans to attend now! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Here is what we need:
Enrollment for next school year is now open to the public. If you have questions regarding our school or the application process, please first read the FAQs since most issues are addressed there.
Once you have read about SCCS, please fully complete the application process. Don't forget to follow each step till you reach the page with a button that says "Submit application."
Tuition of $125 may be paid by check to SCCS for new families. You may also pay online via Stripe here on the website.
Deadline is May 31. We look forward to serving you this new year!