Jennifer Vines adminsccschool@gmail.com: For questions about records, transcripts, dual enrollment, testing (SATs, AP), and general questions for currently enrolled families.
Last week, Eleanna Burke and I hosted a Zoom call to share information on how to homeschool with new parents to SCCS, as well as others who are exploring options based on what the public schools around us end up deciding about the return to school this fall, in regard to the pandemic. If you know of people who could be helped by this information and would appreciate the topics we covered, feel free to ask and we can share the link to the video. If you are on our Remind group, I sent the link out this afternoon.
(This newsletter varies from its original format sent via email).
January 2020 News
Shelby Crossings Christian School
Happy New Year! My prayer for you is a greater joy in Christ and in your homeschool days! May our focus be always on Him first!
(Check event links to read details on SCCS site)
January 2020 Park Day 1/9
2020 ASO "Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet" 1/17
SCCS Teens: Ice Skating 1/23
"Rapunzel & the Rabbit" -- Birmingham Children's Theater Wee Folks 1/29
Dear parents,
With Veterans’ Day this week, and Thanksgiving around the corner, we are heading straight into the holiday season quickly. It is also the season of increased busyness and family gatherings, which sometimes makes completing schoolwork a challenge. Homeschooling does provide flexibility of schedule, which is one of the benefits I most enjoy. I hope that you’re able to finish up the work you need to for this semester, and then can take some time off as needed to celebrate various special occasions this month and next.
This newsletter has been altered from its original pdf format.
AUGUST 4, 2019