This is a common question and the answers can be varied. Most importantly, you need to be sure that your motivation for homeschooling is not fear-based, but because you are called by God to teach your children at home. Prayer for confirmation and direction are vital to this endeavor.
If your students are currently enrolled in another school, withdrawing them is your next step. Then you can complete the application located on the homepage of our website. The application process is all online, and fairly simple and straightforward. Tuition is due at the end of the application and then you can submit to the administrator. You'll receive confirmation via email within the week of when you submit the application.
Forming family goals and a mission statement are highly advised to start your homeschooling process. Deciding the non-negotiables, and determining areas that are most important to your family's specific priorities can help guide you as you plan and make decisions regarding curriculum, to join a co-op or not, if extra-curricular activities fit into your schedule and more.
Choosing curriculum for your students can be a daunting task as there are many styles of homeschooling and options for curriculum. Visiting a used curriculum sale is a great way to look at books and programs in person, but if that is not possible, connecting with others you know who homeschool is encouraging and practical. You can hear pros and cons from those who use specific materials, and choose based on the ages, needs, and learning styles of your children. Ask the administrative team at SCCS for input here if you need to talk through options.
Since we are a cover school, and not a cooperative teaching program, classes are not usually held at our physical location. Parents homeschool their children at home with SCCS as their school of choice, and may enroll them in tutorials, or other co-op settings for various subjects if they choose to have some of the teaching done by others. We may occasionally offer activities such as art class, debate team, speech class, Chess Club, Lego Club, etc., but these aren’t offered annually or all year long.
Most of the time we do not have limited attendance at field trips and you're welcome to include your family members. They are welcome to attend if they are paying attendees. However, if there is a specific limit to attendees, we will state that in the Event listing. If that is the case, we will prioritize SCCS families first.
To be eligible for a graduation diploma, SCCS students need to have a transcript showing a minimum of 24 credits, including core subjects and electives. Those courses may generally follow the state's guidelines (four each of the four core subjects - math, science, English, and social studies plus two electives per year) or vary slightly, but that plan is a good model to follow. To see those requirements for public school students:
Our administrative staff is available for counseling and help as you plan and work through the high school years with your students. We offer a High School workshop annually as well, where our staff and a panel of parents share their experiences and are able to answer questions also.
For high school seniors an Intent to Graduate form must be completed by December 15 in the student's senior year. Then a preliminary transcript should be submitted by the end of January for ordering of diplomas and caps/gowns. By March 15, final details regarding graduation will be shared and commitment to participate in the graduation ceremony will be required as well as fees paid.
Transcript help is available as one of the items covered in your tuition. Please allow 72 hours minimum for help with records requests or transcript help, or more time during especially busy seasons like re-enrollment at the year's end. A graduation ceremony is a special occasion that SCCS hosts each May to honor our graduating students and their achievements. Diplomas are awarded at the ceremony and a reception hosted for family and friends.
- Legal homeschool covering
- Christian-based environment
- Network of supportive parents
- Encouragement via FB group and optional support meetings
- Extra-curricular activities
- Field trips and service projects
- Curriculum and information sharing
- Years of experience for consultation
- Minimal paperwork and requirements, assistance with report cards and transcripts
- Low cost per family fees
- High school honors club and activities, planning, transcript consultation, official transcript help, graduation ceremony
How would a single user (you) go about enrolling on this site?
Click the "Apply Now" button and follow the steps as directed. Submit payment when online enrollment process is complete.
SCCS has always had a policy of minimal paperwork requirements so that families can focus on educating their children and not turning in various records and plans to the administrator. We have kept our requirements simple, in line with what the state requires of public school students as far as reporting. The Church School Enrollment Form is the paper that must be signed by parents and countersigned by the school administrator, and then submitted to the family's local school district superintendent. The only other item required is a record of attendance. In the past it has always been our policy to recommend that families either mark off lesson plans or a calendar to show the dates on which schoolwork was done for each student. You could alternatively write a simple paragraph stating the number of days completed for each student. Whichever way you document attendance, it can be submitted via mail or email to the administrator by June 30.
Alabama Code 16.28.7 "The enrollment and attendance of a child in a church school shall be filed with the local public school superintendent by the parent, guardian or other person in charge or control of the child on a form provided by the superintendent or his agent which shall be countersigned by the administrator of the church school and returned to the public school superintendent by the parent."
As the annual attendance report is our only requirement beyond enrollment form submission when initially registering with SCCS, it is imperative that families cooperate with this policy. Neglecting to submit attendance may result in denial of an enrollment application the subsequent year.
SCCS is glad to provide support and legal covering to families with minimal expense. Fees are charged per family no matter how many students are in the family.
Initial application fee is $30. Tuition is $120 for a total of $150 for a new family.
Re-enrolling families owe only $120 annually (no application is due). Late re-enrollment (after June 30) is $180.
Late enrollments are accepted on a case-by-case basis. When late enrollments are accepted (after June 30), the application fee is $60 and tuition is $150 for a total of $210.
Tuition should be paid when enrolling online via the school website. Payment not made at that time then should be sent in by the deadline via check to the school address or via PayPal to
According to the Alabama code, the compulsory age of attendance for students is 6-17. You may begin homeschooling before then, but Church School Enrollment forms are not required to be submitted until age 6, since that is when public school attendance would be mandatory.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), every child between the ages of six and 17 years shall be required to attend a public school, private school, church school, or be instructed by a competent private tutor for the entire length of the school term in every scholastic year except that, prior to attaining his or her 16th birthday every child attending a church school as defined in Section 16-28-1 is exempt from the requirements of this section, provided such child complies with enrollment and reporting procedure specified in Section 16-28-7. Admission to public school shall be on an individual basis on the application of the parents, legal custodian, or guardian of the child to the local board of education at the beginning of each school year, under such rules and regulations as the board may prescribe. The parent, legal custodian, or guardian of a child who is six years of age, may opt out of enrolling their child in school at the age of six years by notifying the local school board of education, in writing, that the child will not be enrolled in school until he or she is seven years of age.
Alabama state law does not have a mandatory number of days required for homeschoolers. Public school students are required to attend 180 days, with some excused absences are allowed. To read details of Alabama's law as it applies to public school vs. church schools - We advise 170-180 days according to the age of your student to accomplish what is needed in a curriclum and to maintain integrity if ever questioned. Attendance reports are due at the end of the school year, submitted by the end of June to the administrator to keep in your students' files.
We have one meeting to begin each school year, and attendance is strongly encouraged so that the administrator and parents can meet, handbooks are distributed, families can sign up for field trips, questions can be submitted and answered, and parents complete church school enrollment forms.
Other optional SCCS gatherings include: support group meetings, curriculum show and tell, High School Homeschool 101, etc.
The State of Alabama has a set of standards for all subjects and grades. You can review that material at
By Alabama law, home schooled students are not required to meet all the standards in the same grade as public school students, since only public school students are addressed in our state code. There is no specific way a family must plan the subjects to cover with their students and you have the freedom to design your school year with your preferences and your students' particular needs and interests in mind. Since there are many publishing companies selling homeschool curriculum, as well as numerous online resources, the choices can feel overwhelming. It may be helpful to visit a curriculum fair and peruse options in person, or to ask fellow homeschool families to give input on their favorite sources. SCCS hosts a curriculum show and share annually that can allow parents to see and handle curriculum in person and to ask for feedback from those who use it with their own families. Our administrative staff is also available to help with input and to answer questions as well.
While the elementary years provide for a good deal of freedom in course and curricculum selection, by high school, parents need to plan to build a transcript that will meet the school requirements for a diploma for their student. Also, take into consideration the student's post-high school plans, to be sure that he/she is prepared for college, trade school, employment, etc. If college is an option, it is helpful to review the requirements of the institution for acceptance as you plan the high school years, so that your student has adequately covered those requirements (for example, 2 foreign language credits are necessary for some four year universities, or a minimum number of mathematics credits, etc.) .
One of the advantages of homeschooling is the numerous outside-the-classroom learning opportunities. We enjoy monthly field trips, park days, and frequent service projects, as well as support group fellowships for moms. There are many wonderful resources in central Alabama for families to enjoy as they learn from various cultures, experiences, and environments. Enrichment can come in the form of concerts, festivals, museums, seminars, and more. The most recent newsletter on our home page is a great way to find out about current month's events.