Dear SCCS families,
What a joy it was to meet many of you last night! If I didn't get the opportunity to personally welcome you as a new family, please know that I am grateful you were there, and have joined us this year. Because there was a good bit of information covered and some families could not make it, I am going to review the highlights here.
Handbooks were given out containing our policies and procedures and the field trips and activities list for the year. That list isn't comprehensive, but does have most things included. If you didn't receive one, you may pick one up at Shelby Crossings, or remind me to bring one for you at a field trip or park day.
Church School Enrollment forms were returned last night. Mail the original to the administrator of your school district, and file the copy. The addresses for administrators are found here. If you missed the meeting, then I will be mailing your forms to you this week.
Communication will primarily be done through email. Please check emails regularly. Our website is maintained regularly as well, with event updates and monthly newsletters posted there. Facebook is a back-up way to communicate, but never my primary means of getting info to you.
Field trips are still being scheduled. A few require responses by next week, as we have to submit our order in time to reserve a block of tickets. The RSVP dates are posted at the end of the event listings.
Debate Club sign up is ongoing. We need another handful of students (junior high and older) to make the group work. Please message me if interested. One meeting a week for two hours and some homework included. Students need no prior experience and will be working with a partner. Coach Skip Coulter has coached debate for over 40 years and makes it a fun, enriching experience!
My job as administrator is to support and encourage you, as well as keep our families legally covered. Please do not hesitate to message, email, or call me with questions about curriculum, planning, juggling multiple ages, preparing for high school, or any other concern or struggle you have. You are not bothering me by contacting me. That is the part of my job I love the most - spending time listening to and encouraging others. If I don't have the answer, I have lots of wise folks to consult and include if needed. I can learn from you too! I have 10 years of experience at homeschooling, and five years prior to that of teaching in a school, but realize daily how much we need each other. I'm so grateful for the community found in our homeschool family, and pray that it is a blessing to you as well.
Have a wonderful weekend!