then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Nov 05 Fire Station Visit See SCCS website for further details. #SCCSontheroad
Nov 06 Park Day/Service Project - Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
More details on SCCS website at the event link. Here is a link for how to pack a box. If the weather looks too iffy, we will change locations to Shelby Crossings. Watch FB and email for info if we change! Here's the link on packing and items to bring: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/pack-a-shoe-box/ #SCCSserves
Nov 11 Birmingham Veterans Day Parade See SCCS website for more details on this fun patriotic event. #SCCScelebrates #SCCSontheroad
Nov 12 Alabama Symphony Orchestra - An American Salute #SCCSontheroad
Nov 13 Thanksgiving Feast
November 13, 11:00-1:00 Details on SCCS website. Feel free to dress up as a Pilgrim or Native American! #SCCSontheroad #SCCScelebrates
Nov 30 Support Group and Fellowship for Moms
Come fellowship with other moms and enjoy some encouragement along the homeschooling journey! We will meet at Zoe's in Patton Creek. Please RSVP by 11/29. #SCCSontheroad #SCCSsupport
As always, let me know if you have questions. I am thankful for the support I have noticed for each other on our school's FB page, and encourage you to join that if you haven't. It is a great way to seek advice, or get feedback from other parents in our school. You all are way up on my list of thankfulness this month and always. I am praying you share a God-centered Thanksgiving with your family this month.
Upcoming Events in December