Dear SCCS families,
Welcome to a new semester and new year! I hope that your Christmas break gave some needed downtime and fun, and that your family is adjusting to being back in the routine of school and activities. Below are the reminders of school events that are upcoming in the next few weeks and some new information regarding testing and homeschool soccer team sign up. 
Dear SCCS families,
Happy November! In this season where we focus on being grateful, I pray that gratitude is a matter of the heart for you, and not only a holiday sentiment. Our family is grateful for you, and the freedom and privilege of homeschooling with families like yours.

Dear SCCS families,


Dear SCCS parents,

Happy first week of school to many of you! I prayed this morning for a great week for ya'll, as I know a lot of families are staying close to the local public school calendar. I love seeing your photos on social media and the enthusiasm in your students' faces.


Dear SCCS families,

At our parent meeting we mentioned how the additional administrative helpers I now have will enable us to better serve you in the coming year. I am so grateful to Casey, Eleanna and Krissy for their willingness to serve, and encourage you to contact us with any questions. The areas that we each focus on are listed by our email addresses on the bottom of the website home page now. If you aren't sure who to ask, then feel free to just check in with me and I'll redirect you if needed.

Dear SCCS Parents, 
It was great to see so many of you at the meeting Tuesday night. If you were unable to make it, I will share a few highlights of things we covered. You'll be able to view the handbook and other info I gave out soon as we upload them to the website as PDF files.

Families with teens (13+), we have a remind group set up just for our teen group and their parents.  To subscribe to this group, follow the instructions in the attached graphic.  Your teens don't want to miss out, so be sure to share this message with them!  


SCCS Families, this year we are using Remind service for all school announcements.  These messages will keep you informed of important SCCS events.  There is no reply option for remind messages, so you don't have to worry about getting stuck in a 200 person group chat.  It will be just like when the doctor sends you a text to remind you of appointments.  Please follow the instructions in the graphic attached to subscribe. 

SCCS Student and Parent IDs are being provided again this year for any families who want them. The deadline for submitting your photos and forms is Friday, July 27. See details for photo and form options dependent upon whether or not you and your family are attending the SCCS Parent Meeting on July 17. Student and parent IDs are not mandatory. 
ear SCCS Families,

Although we are enjoying summer at our house, the reality has hit that in just over a month we will begin the school year. I am sure many of you are soaking up the sun and memories with your families, but we have two deadline sensitive school reminders for you today.


Dear SCCS families,

Dear SCCS parents,
This year is zooming by, and we are almost to the halfway point of this semester! I am amazed at how springlike the weather is, and the kids in my house definitely have spring fever. Because of the busy pace and fun planned for this afternoon (you should come join us!) this is a short and sweet newsletter of reminders! :-)

Dear SCCS parents,

Re-enrollment is now open for next school year. Please log in to your account to re-enroll and submit tuition via the website if you are a returning family. We will add re-enrolling families first, and then open to the public in a few weeks, accepting a limited number of new families.

Tuition is due by the end of June for re-enrolling families. Thank you for partnering with SCCS as your legal church school and covering. We are glad to have your family with us!

Dear SCCS parents,
