Dear SCCS families,
What a joy it was to meet many of you last night! If I didn't get the opportunity to personally welcome you as a new family, please know that I am grateful you were there, and have joined us this year. Because there was a good bit of information covered and some families could not make it, I am going to review the highlights here.

Here is the list of addresses for Superintendents where you should send the Church School Enrollment Forms. Send the original to the attention of the Superintendent. Keep one copy and I get one additional copy.


Alabaster City Schools

Dear SCCS parents,
Though summer is officially here, there is still a great deal going on in preparation for the new school year. I have heard from many of you as you look for co-ops, new curriculum, and are planning for the fall, and I love your enthusiasm.

Thursday, July 30 at 7:00 is our meeting to begin the new school year. Please try to arrange childcare or plan for your children to have something quiet to do with you during the meeting. The goal is to be done within the hour so it should not be a long meeting. We will meet at The Church at Shelby Crossings in Calera. This is a very important meeting for new parents as I return the CSE form that is needed to prove enrollment to your local superintendent, give out handbooks, go over field trips, answer questions etc. Make plans to attend now! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

One of our SCCS moms, Stefanie Woodrow, has volunteered to coordinate putting together a school yearbook for us this year. She has previously requested and received photos from many of you. This is the last call to include your photos. We can take them through June activities, and then the yearbook can be completed by the beginning of next school year.

Here is what we need:

Dear SCCS parents,
We welcome April tomorrow, and in some odd way, I feel like the month has shown up surprisingly soon! Incredulously, we are almost to the end of the school year. I am excited about the approach of summer, but encourage you all and remind myself to finish well.
​Dear SCCS families,
Anyone else looking forward to some warm weather? While I appreciate the change of seasons and the variety of temperatures, I'm growing weary of the lack of outside time for our children, and myself too! You may feel the same with cooped up kiddos, and I just want to encourage you to hold on, hopefully for just a little longer!

Enrollment for next school year is now open to the public. If you have questions regarding our school or the application process, please first read the FAQs since most issues are addressed there.

Once you have read about SCCS, please fully complete the application process. Don't forget to follow each step till you reach the page with a button that says "Submit application."

Tuition of $125 may be paid by check to SCCS for new families. You may also pay online via Stripe here on the website.


Deadline is May 31. We look forward to serving you this new year!


Re-enrollment at SCCS takes place from February 1 - May 31.

Dear SCCS parents,
Dear SCCS parents,
Such a lovely fall day like this one gives me more reasons to be thankful for the opportunity to homeschool! We have found school on the deck to be an effective motivator on several days, and are thankful for the glorious color in our woods, and brisk breezes that mean autumn is in full swing. Find some time to get outdoors and learn, hiking, exploring nature in your yard, or visiting a park, if you can. We even have a special park day to end this current week, so plan on joining us then if you are not able to get outside much before then.

Dear SCCS parents,

Happy fall to everyone!  This is our family's favorite month of the year. Part of that is the cooler temperatures, football, and lovely colored leaves, and part of it is because we celebrate my husband's birthday and mine too, in October. I hope that your family is enjoying the pretty weather and that you have reasons to celebrate also!


Two days for you to choose from, with tons of slots every 5 minutes. We are excited to have this opportunity with a wonderful photographer, so our families can have professional quality memories of this school year! Sign up at the link below and follow payment instructions to reserve your slot!  $10 sitting fee per family with packages starting at $20!



Dear SCCS parents,


Welcome to the first 2014-15 Shelby Crossings newsletter! These notes come at the beginning of each month with some reminders and encouragement for you, so please make an effort to read them when you have the time.


Check out a new retreat for homeschooling moms coming to Birmingham in February 2015! Read here for more details. Registration opens Monday, July 16!


