
Date corrected!


Shelby Crossings Christian School

Senior High Beta Club

2021-2022 School Year Information
“Let us lead by serving others.”

Dear SCCS parents, 
The following email was sent to your address on file, with attachments mentioned below, but the main content is copied here as well.
Dear SCCS parents, 
Dear SCCS parents, 
How To Homeschool Seminar and Q/A Time
Join us at Shelby Crossings, bldg C on June 29!

For details on end-of-year attendance report, here is the link to our policy under FAQs:


Dear SCCS parents, 
Spring is in the air! That means that most of us are in the last quarter of the school year, which is exciting!
Dear SCCS parents, 
Dear SCCS parents, 
What a gorgeous time of year! Thankfully the weather is milder and we are enjoying as much outdoor time as we can fit into our days. The schoolwork load isn't necessarily any lighter, but we have adjusted some of our schedule to prioritize factoring in nature whenever possible. 
Dear SCCS parents, 
**This email was sent out to SCCS families today. The attachments mentioned are contained in the email below that should have been received.**
Dear SCCS parents, 

Jennifer Vines adminsccschool@gmail.com: For questions about records, transcripts, dual enrollment, testing (SATs, AP), and general questions for currently enrolled families.


Last week, Eleanna Burke and I hosted a Zoom call to share information on how to homeschool with new parents to SCCS, as well as others who are exploring options based on what the public schools around us end up deciding about the return to school this fall, in regard to the pandemic. If you know of people who could be helped by this information and would appreciate the topics we covered, feel free to ask and we can share the link to the video. If you are on our Remind group, I sent the link out this afternoon.

Dear SCCS parents,
