The following email was sent to your address on file, with attachments mentioned below, but the main content is copied here as well.
Dear SCCS parents, 
Below is a partial recap of the meeting information from Thursday evening. We will be sending several emails over the next week or so as we get settled with the new school year. I gave out parent handbooks on the parent meeting night, and if you were not able to attend, I am emailing you those items and other documents that may be helpful. You can print them or save them on your computer for future reference. 
The attached calendar may be used for attendance keeping if you choose. You can mark your school days and then email this to me at the end of the year.
If you would like me to request records from your student's previous school, please use the form attached and complete it, then return it to me. I can then send it to the registrar and will give the records to you when I receive them.
The handbook will answer many questions you have about record-keeping, curriculum choosing, and more. Please read it as you have time.
The Church School Enrollment form is attached again though everyone should have received it with your acceptance email. These are for new families or families with new students enrolling, or when an address has changed. If you have not yet submitted the form to the superintendent for your school district, please do so by the end of this week. *Returning families are NOT required to complete these forms annually unless some of your info has changed (adding a new student or address is different).*
We shared last week how we use the Remind texting service as a simple way to quickly share information. This is not something that will be a group messaging thread, so no fear! :-) Click the link in your email to add your number to our school's group in this app. It would be great to have 100% of you able to get notifications of sudden changes or details regarding events when weather changes plans, or to remind you to check website info, or emails you need to read, etc. You can select to get notifications via the app if you choose to download it or straight to your phone as texts as well.
Teacher and Student IDs
Casey is sending out the form soon for you to complete for anyone in your home who needs or desires an ID card. We make these for teachers and students so you can receive teacher discounts and to assist young non-drivers who need an ID at times. Watch for her email and complete the form carefully please. They are strictly optional and something we offer as a service to you.
That is it for now. I realize there is a great deal of info coming to you these days, but believe these are things you need before getting farther along in the year. Hopefully you won't feel overloaded, but please do read through these attachments when you have time. 
Have a wonderful week and thank you for being part of SCCS!