Dear SCCS parents,
 Dear SCCS parents,
Below are links to the events coming up over the next couple of months. The most urgent things to notice are the deadline for SAT registration is this week and enrollment will open very soon. I'll send a separate email about that this week so stay tuned. Have a great week!

(This newsletter varies from its original format sent via email).

January 2020 News
Shelby Crossings Christian School

Happy New Year! My prayer for you is a greater joy in Christ and in your homeschool days! May our focus be always on Him first!

(Check event links to read details on SCCS site)

January 2020 Park Day 1/9
2020 ASO "Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet" 1/17
SCCS Teens: Ice Skating 1/23
"Rapunzel & the Rabbit" -- Birmingham Children's Theater Wee Folks 1/29


Dear parents,

With Veterans’ Day this week, and Thanksgiving around the corner, we are heading straight into the holiday season quickly. It is also the season of increased busyness and family gatherings, which sometimes makes completing schoolwork a challenge. Homeschooling does provide flexibility of schedule, which is one of the benefits I most enjoy. I hope that you’re able to finish up the work you need to for this semester, and then can take some time off as needed to celebrate various special occasions this month and next.

Dear parents,
Dear parents,

This newsletter has been altered from its original pdf format.

AUGUST 4, 2019

In your email today you will find the list of field trips and activities we have planned for this coming school year. These activities are optional, but provide enrichment and interesting educational opportunities for our families. Please carefully read the information on our website regarding these events. There are sign ups required for some and those are noted on the attached list.

SCCS Parent Reminder--

Let's get this new school year started off right with some awesome events next week! Click the links below for all the details.
Tuesday, July 16   6:00 and 7:30 pm

It's the final month of school for most of us and summer is almost here! Here are a few pieces of information about end-of-year events and upcoming dates you may need.


If you have a kindergartner or senior interested in participating in our graduation ceremony, information was emailed today. Please let me know if you're interested and haven't received it! The ceremony is May 19, 2019 at Shelby Crossings.


Dauphin Island Sea Lab Discovery Hall Educational Programs Field Trip


SCCS is planning a family field trip to the Sea Lab at Dauphin Island next fall. Our participation depends on meeting the minimum numbers so please read the info below and respond if you’re interested by April 15.

Dear SCCS parents,
Here are a few announcements and reminders for you. You may also check the website anytime you want to verify an event's details for which you may have registered.
