Alabama Symphony and Ballet Performances - place orders now!

Alabama Symphony and Ballet events are now added to our calendar. You can search the Events list, or look on the monthly calendars under Events to see the options for each. Click the title of the event to read all details about ordering and reserving your spot. Payment must accompany the RSVP to hold your spot and please pay close attention to the date those are due.

October News

Dear SCCS parents,

Happy fall to everyone!  This is our family's favorite month of the year. Part of that is the cooler temperatures, football, and lovely colored leaves, and part of it is because we celebrate my husband's birthday and mine too, in October. I hope that your family is enjoying the pretty weather and that you have reasons to celebrate also!

April News

Dear SCCS families,

After the really heavy rain Monday, this gorgeous week has ended up being a busy one for our family as we are trying to be disciplined with school but can hardly resist going outdoors as much as possible. I am still so thankful that I have the freedom to do school outdoors when we want, or to take a break for a walk in the middle of class time, since it makes us all more productive to get out in the fresh air for a little while.