Alabama Symphony and Ballet Performances - place orders now!

Alabama Symphony and Ballet events are now added to our calendar. You can search the Events list, or look on the monthly calendars under Events to see the options for each. Click the title of the event to read all details about ordering and reserving your spot. Payment must accompany the RSVP to hold your spot and please pay close attention to the date those are due.

Birmingham Children's Theatre Performances - order tickets now!

The performances for Birmingham Children's Theatre are now all listed on our website. Go to Events, and you can view the list of activities added so far, or look at the calendar to choose events you wish to read more about. When you go to an individual event listing, click the title to read the full description, and instructions on signing up and paying for those that have a fee. I am still adding more field trips, but BCT has an early RSVP deadline, so get your order in by August 5th!