There is also some great encouragement below from our school chaplain, Carol Griggs. Her words are timely and exactly what I needed to hear. I hope it ministers to you as well! I'm praying for you, moms and dads, as you raise and love and teach your children!
Jesus often taught his followers to focus on the Kingdom of God. You might ask why...because that is what this entire life leads to. All of our faith and hard work ultimate leads to us being in the Kingdom worshipping God along with all of the other saints for all eternity. That is a great end goal! But how can we, homeschool teachers (parents), even stay focused on something so potentially far away when we have math, grammar, science, history, etc.? Simple...we must. The reason we work so hard is not that our students (children) might be Rhodes Scholars, but that they might be strong believers.
We are getting closer to the end of the school year and we can see the finish line. Some of us have struggled and still feel as though our children do not know all of the material. Do not worry friends!! Teach to the best of your ability. Be as prepared as you can be. But pray without ceasing (1 Thes. 5:17). God is the author and finisher of our faith. And He is the one who knows who our children are and what they will be. Work as hard as you can, but do not be anxious and troubled.
In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus entered a village and went into the home of Martha and Mary. While there, he taught and Mary listened. Martha, on the other hand, was busy working and trying to complete her "things to do" list. She even complained of her sister not helping her with the chores. And Jesus said, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her." Sometimes, our "things to do" list can get in the way of the one thing that is necessary. When things get hard, remember what is necessary and know that God has full control over His children and what becomes of the children He has allowed us to raise. Blessings, friends!!

3 Friday 1:00
PARK DAY at Ebenezer Swamp in Montevallo- Bring a lunch and hang out together! Ebenezer Swamp Ecological Preserve on Spring Creek in Shelby County is 60 acres of wooded wetlands used for teaching and research
9 Thursday 10:00 or 12:30
Birmingham Children’s Theatre Mainstage - Robin Hood, tickets ordered in advance
15 Wednesday 10:00
Strawberry Picking at Mountain View Orchards in Jemison
16 Thursday 9:30 or 11:00
Birmingham Children’s Theatre Wee Folks – The Queen of Hearts and the Terrible Tarts, tickets ordered in advance
17 Friday 1:00-3:00
Curriculum Show and Tell – come view a variety of curricula, handle it, ask questions, and really hear the pros and cons from the moms who use them as you plan for next year.

Upcoming - Regular enrollment ends in May...park day...SAT testing...park day...