A friend with another school has set up a great day for students in Calera to visit various departments and facilities, so they can see how a city works. She nicely included our school on the invite so the info is below. All students are invited, no matter where you live, since the info will still be educational and interesting even if you don't live in Calera. Please RSVP so I can let her know how many people to expect. Bring a sack lunch if you'll be staying through lunch at the park.
Below is the schedule for our "Get to know your city" field trip. Each department has gone out of their way to have demonstrations and information ready for us. I am so excited. One department will even be talking about water pipes and meters for us to see. This is open to any age, but if you have a child that is in high school and would want to participate in the city council meeting we need to know as soon as possible.
Please RSVP so that we don't leave a place before everyone is ready to follow. You do not have to stay for the whole event but I promise you each department will be filled with plenty of information and they will be entertained. RSVP by 9/28.