We are planning to sponsor a Speech and Debate course this fall, meeting at The Church at Shelby Crossings in Calera, for any interested junior high - senior high students.
SCCS has enjoyed the opportunity to host a Debate Team several times, and Coach Skip Coulter (40 years of experience at the high school and college level) is again willing to work with students if there is enough interest to commit to weekly sessions. They'll meet once a week, for 2 hours of practice, and have some outside homework.
We must have 10 committed students to make the class work. Please invite others you believe may be interested as this is not only open to Shelby Crossings students.
Students will learn valuable skills in research, preparation of an argument, and the Ted Turner method of debating in class with their partner throughout the semester. The class is geared toward high school, though mature 7-8th graders may participate. My daughter took the class for two years, and it was very valuable for her confidence in public speaking and she learned so much in how to defend herself through research and logical thinking. If there is interest, there is an opportunity to compete individually and as a team.
We will meet approximately 15 times this semester and the course will be worth a half credit. Cost is $10/week. If interested, please reply to me by the end of the month. Thank you!