Dear SCCS parents,
Welcome to a new school year! We are excited about the new pencils, schedules, material to cover, and places to explore. I am so happy to have your family joining us.
I will send out newsletters monthly to remind of upcoming activities, and link back to these events on our website so you can click the blue underlined title to go directly to the Event page and RSVP there. Deadlines for several upcoming trips are coming up this week. The newsletters are also posted under the Blog section on the website.
I prayed for our families tonight, for wisdom and patience as we teach our children and adjust to the new school year. Have a wonderful week!


 1 Friday 9-11:00 Revival Hill Farm Tour  Come explore a working farm and have a tour and lesson on animal husbandry, rainwater harvesting, ecofriendly farming, and horse shoeing demonstration. Each person gets a horseshoe at the end of the trip. Bring a blanket and picnic lunch to have after we're done. Then we will head to Steele Orchard for the next phase of our field trip for those who are continuing with us. $6 per person, ages 5 and up. RSVP and pay by 8/15

1 Friday 1:00 Steele Orchard Tour Families will tour the orchard and have a lesson on bees and pollenation, Johnny Appleseed, and an apple tasting. Students are $5, parents are $3. This trip coordinates nicely with the farm trip planned just prior on the same day.RSVP and pay by 8/15

1 Friday 12:00  PARK DAY at Heroes Park in Alabaster. ­ Bring a lunch and hang out together!

11 Monday Service Project – make and deliver treats with thank you cards to your local fire, paramedic, and police station as a thank you for their dedication on the anniversary of 9/11. 

20 Wednesday 9:30 or 11:00  Birmingham Children’s Theatre Wee Folks production of “Billy Goats Gruff,” RSVP and pay by 8/5

20 Thursday 7:00  SCCS Support Group and Fellowship at Panera Bread in Alabaster, RSVP by 9/17

25 Monday Golden Flake tour, Birmingham. Free, ages 5 and up only, no exceptions for safety regulations. RSVP by 8/30

27 Wednesday 9:30-11:30 Myers Plants and Pottery We will have a talk on fall gardening and carnivorous plants. Students will receive a plant or seedling at the end of the field trip. Fee $5/student. ​RSVP ​and pay​ by 9/13

28 Thursday 7:00 Code Breakers: Parent Advocates ­ support group meeting for parents of students with special needs, open to anyone, ​

at Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall D, RSVP by 9/25