Nov 03

3 Friday 1:00 PARK DAY and Service Project at Veterans Park in Alabaster. Gather to pack Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and play at the park too.
This Friday is our park day gathering at the Veterans Park in Alabaster from 1-2:30, and it is also one of our favorite service projects. We will again gather to put together shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. If you've never participated in this awesome ministry, I encourage you to do so if you are able this year. My children really enjoy trying to choose meaningful items to give to a child in another country, sharing the joy and love found in Jesus. In packing shoeboxes, there is a beautiful opportunity to think of others, and shift our perspectives from the promotion of wish lists and wanting more and more stuff when we focus on how most of the world lives without such abundance.
OCC does a great job of providing lists and guidelines here. Please follow their suggestions to do the most good through your gifts. Answers to other common questions:
SCCS: We will provide tape, rubber bands, scissors, stickers, boy/girl labels, crayons/markers, and a sheet of "About Me" provided by Operation Christmas Child, so your students can fill in general info on themselves for the recipient
YOU: Please bring your gift items, a plastic shoebox size bin (WalMart, Target, $ stores carry these), wrapping paper if desired, and a photo of your family if possible
At the end of the park day, I'll collect your boxes and turn them in with our church's if you need me to do so.